* Yellow Hybrid - Tea for Muscle Recovery and Cognitive Aide
This tea is mild in flavor - tasting of green tea with a light rosemary finish.
The combination of ingredients in this tea provides significant anti-inflammatory properties, and may also improve brain, heart and muscular health.
Enjoy whenever you are feeling tired, achy or any brain fog; or just in the mood for something light & refreshing.
Tastes great hot or iced, sweet or un-sweet.
Ginkgo is reputed for its benefits as a memory or concentration enhancer.
Calendula, is known to reduce muscle soreness.
Gunpowder Green Tea, has all the antioxidant benefits of high quality green tea, but this variety is incredibly flavorful and every single leaf has been hand rolled by an artisan tea maker, creating an "explosion" as it blooms/ brews.
Rosemary, has significant antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
Flavor Profile: Earthy
Nutritional Information:
- Contains small amounts of Caffeine (approximately 10 mg per serving)
- less than 5 calories per serving